Falling stars

A star fell from the sky last night, and I think it may have been mine. I had it for a little while and when I Watched, It would make me smile. But I looked and looked tonight at nine, then twelve and three and six. Desperate I was and so much so I searched the entire sky; Though I knew deep down in my heart that stars can’t fly; they just fall.

17 thoughts on “Falling stars

  1. William recently I figured out you are the metaphorical human now :p talking about all the stuff through nature 🙂
    A great attempt !!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I got a star tonight and I was wondering who it might be.. Now I know who it is and also why you couldn’t catch it today.. 😉

    Don’t you worry Will.. It’s safe and bright here.. 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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