There are people out there in the neighbor hood, wanting us to know that saving animals is good, and that for just a few pennies a day we can save every dog and cat that’s astray. Good people in the world are asking us all to give our money in order to save a fish, that lives in one place on earth and no other, and we ought to save that fish even when children hunger! People out there with their great coats on, promise for our dollars they can keep everybody warm,so the people won’t holler when the cold is coming on! And there’s more food in the world to stave away hunger, but it can’t be mustered to the places we can share. All the leaders in the world should bow down and cower, ’cause all they really want to do is keep their cover. I haven’t seen yet a politician or a collar who, wouldn’t stoop extra low for a stray dollar , just to keep all their followers; “If you keep me here,in a position of power, sooner or later I will share with you; all the extra dollars!”Β Β Β Β  LIKE THAT WILL EVER HAPPEN

11 thoughts on “LIKE THAT WILL EVER HAPPEN !

    1. We don’t have statesmen in our government anymore. We have politicians who went to school for a degree in politics. It is so true that the agenda for them is to stay in office and then, in politics. This is their livelihood. They have no other vocation to carry them.

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  1. Environment is as important as human life is. We ought to balance the whole thing in a way that doesn’t hinder the process of eliminating poverty while saving fish.

    However, I agree with the comment on Politicians. They call themselves as representative of the nation, but are representative or power and profit at any damn cost!

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